Available kittens

Per informazioni sulla disponibilità contattami.
Please contact me for more information on availability.

Welcome! Are you looking for a kitten and want more information? In this section we will explain how you can find out more. Please read the following carefully about our breeding style and, if you are convinced that we are what you are looking for, contact us for current availability. The number of families that come to us is very high, so in order to be able to handle the requests as best we can, we have a waiting list in which, after an initial interview, you can safely sign up.

Eliminato: Are you uncertain about the choice between male and female? The mainecoon is an extremely sociable and good-natured animal, but there are characteristics that differentiate the two sexes. We would like to clarify this without falling into senseless generalisations, taking into consideration only the characteristics of cats of our bloodline. Those who approach this breed do so, in most cases, because they are attracted by the size they reach in adulthood, so they generally lean towards the males.

Feline society is matriarchal, which means that there is a strict all-female hierarchy and that offspring are cared for exclusively by females. This leads to a higher intelligence in females due to the ruthless law of survival. Our females have a higher capacity for interaction and a pronounced affectionate nature, they also reach a considerable size and this is certainly not of secondary importance. This does not mean that our males are less attractive, indeed they are quite doll-like, but we feel obliged to make this clarification simply to allow families to make a more focused and informed choice.

Another of the most common and repeated criteria when choosing a kitten is unfortunately always the same: the choice based on colour. We in the first place when we had no specific knowledge tended to prefer one kitten over another simply because of its colour and this is understandable and an unquestionable right. However, there are a few considerations to be made to avoid seeing the joy of a new kitten turn into a headache. READ MORE